With Flowers


Is this cool?

Tea Time!

Horsey is hungry

Intriguing Apple...

Literacy is overrated.

Best one.

She can now climb on top of the cab of my truck unaided. I found this out when I was alone with her and I was trying to work on my bike and replace the rear dérailleur tension pulleys. She was playing at her sand and water workstation toy set and I got really involved with the repair for about 5 minutes and didn't look up. I go to check on her, since she's not at the station and "Hi Daddy! I did it!" there she is on top of my truck. Oy vey. Well at least I know she ain't slow.
You have given birth to a genetically perfect child. She could be a model if you wanted her to be. WOW, I feel sorry for you when she turns 16 (or nowadays...12)
She is so Pretty!
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