Here's the latest batch of daycare pictures - only $75.00 this time! The kid is too stinkin' cute, and Abbey's height calculator says she's gonna be 6'3" when she's full grown. Aye caramba.
With Flowers
Is this cool?
Tea Time!
Horsey is hungry
Intriguing Apple...
Literacy is overrated.
Best one.
She can now climb on top of the cab of my truck unaided. I found this out when I was alone with her and I was trying to work on my bike and replace the rear dérailleur tension pulleys. She was playing at her sand and water workstation toy set and I got really involved with the repair for about 5 minutes and didn't look up. I go to check on her, since she's not at the station and "Hi Daddy! I did it!" there she is on top of my truck. Oy vey. Well at least I know she ain't slow.
Movin On, Movin Up, Movin Out!
12 years ago